College and university levels

EXPRESSION’s educational services are offered in French only.

EXPRESSION hosts college- and university-level groups for educational activities adapted to their needs. The students are invited to discover our exhibitions, stroll through the space, expand their knowledge of contemporary art, become aware of new practices, and take advantage of this opportunity for conversation, questions, and discussion to build connections with the themes and their underlying issues.

Learning objectives

  • Discover contemporary and current artworks
  • Become aware of the issues addressed in contemporary-art practices
  • Observe the different ways that artworks are disseminated
  • Develop their critical sense and curiosity
  • Make connections with their own artistic interests
  • Make connections with aesthetic and social issues


A group guided tour is offered, with reservation, for each exhibition. Led by a cultural mediator, the group discovers the exhibition and talks about the works presented.

Date: Tuesdays to Fridays during the exhibitions
Hosting capacity: Two groups (60 students)
Cost: $2 per student
Duration: 60 minutes
To make a reservation, contact us by email:, or by phone: 450 773-4209.